Low self-esteem is easier to find than dirt on the subway as insecurity devours our culture, stripping away more than we possibly realize. Once we forget who we are, we settle for less, we walk hunched over. Confidence is an afterthought when survival is what we grasp for. The problem begins because we do not know our worth.
1. How much are you worth?
I spoke with someone once about this, I believe it was my brother. He calculated his worth and pointed out that some people are worth more than others. How then do you determine yours?
I started a new tradition where I collect all my coins and turn it in at my local bank on my birthday and after Christmas. It’s my surprise birthday/Christmas gift to myself. Plus, if I ever find myself really strapped for cash (and assuming I haven’t recently done this) I can cash in my change.
My bank allows me to guess how much money I’ve collected. I thought I didn’t collect much, it didn’t even really fill the jar. I guessed $30 thinking I was being too optimistic. I was wrong, I had collected $60 without realizing it. I dramatically undervalued how much I saved.
I felt God pleading with me recently reminding me that I am worth so much more than I realize.
2. Don’t use the wrong formula.
It’s so easy to forget our worth, isn’t it? There are all those markers that seem to define us. But, who are you beyond your job, your looks, your Facebook profile or your grades?
So many times I fear that I, as well as many people I love, do the same. We don’t understand our worth. We are jars of coins trying to be sold to the highest bidder, never taking the time to count what’s actually inside.
I began a new yearly bible plan, click here for a link. When reading over Genesis I was reminded of something beautiful. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
How remarkable is this? And really think about this- you are created in the image of the most beautiful God. How much are you undervaluing yourself?
Thinking back to my conversation with my brother, I may be worth nothing “technically”, but no price can actually be put on your life. You may try, but no one can ever measure the way you love, no one can ever measure the lengths those who care for you will go. These barometers forget that because of God, our worth breaks any scale man can make regardless of who you are and what the world thinks of you.
3. Turn to God
I remember loving myself growing up, maybe a little too much. I rarely even thought about how I looked like but knew I was special, I knew I had importance. Then puberty hit and a wave of insecurity came along with it. I questioned everything I once knew for a fact. Was I ugly? Why did others do better than me in school? Did I really have friends? I didn’t know it at the time but these were whispers of deceit from the enemy that would tear me down- but not completely.
I wish I could say that at the age of 21 that I am immune to insecurity, that I’ve solved the problem of low self-esteem. But I too need to stop myself from undervaluing my worth.
The difference now is that I know the truth: that I am worth more than I can possibly comprehend.
Why else would God of the universe send His Son to earth to die for me? Am I worth the life of someone so perfect, so holy….to take the place of my wretchedness, my sin, my deceit, my shame…?
I am worth it. YOU are worth it. You have value much more than you know, so much that He laid his life down for you. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” John 15:13 NIV
So next time when you’re feeling down about yourself, remember that the Creator made you in His image, His beautiful and perfect image, and that your life is worth the price of His Son.
4. The Challenge
Today I challenge you to look at yourself and let God speak. Look deeply into your heart and hear what God says. He crafted you, he is molding you as his perfect creation. Comment below when you do this about how God is speaking to you.
The secret to confidence is knowing your worth.
If you see yourself through the eyes of the Father, you can be confident in the knowledge that He created you for a purpose, you are beautiful and loved, and you have worth.
Written by Nina Thomas, Edited by Shannon Mathew