Honest Review of Olive & June’s Fall 2020 Colors: Is this a brown girl’s dream?

I told myself over and over again that I did not need any more nail polish. (tbh, I don’t but heyyy) I already impulse bought a pastel shade from Olive and June while at Target (tbh- my new go to shade) and had tons of polish from OPI and Essie that still had plenty of polish left in the bottle. (I try to avoid needless consumerism and use what I have when I can!) 

Despite my initial resolve, I was worn down when I kept seeing influencers of color, people who looked like me, trying out these new shades that felt so unique. I pulled the trigger and bought these for myself. (But in the words of jnaydaily, make sure you are making wise purchases with your coin! ie. buy it if you really want to, but don’t spend money you don’t have!) I was actually offered to be sent this set but only after already purchasing this with my own money. Because of that- this set was not gifted but as always I will be 100% honest and share the good and the bad. 

Also, I have a promo code for ya’ll! (Should you decide to succumb to consumerism like me ?)  For $10 off your first purchase of $50+ of Olive and June use this link (fbuy.me/v/ninarachelthomas). This gives me a free bottle of nail polish! But being entirely honest, I’ve already got so many of these vouchers that I don’t even know when or how I’d use them all. (I’m being a tad dramatic, I’ve gotten 4 vouchers ?) I guess more nail polish review posts? ?

The Colors 

The six new colors include: JJ, LD, HG, JO, HGC & WFC.

Note that shades were still wet when each photo was taken. Some of the colors applied a little more sheer than I would have liked and maybe would have looked more opaque if I had applied three coats instead of two. This is not the type of polish that you can get away with just applying a single coat.

JJ, a cozy cinnamon brown 
LD, a rosy-hued neutral
MG, a desert-inspired warm terracotta 
JO, a sandy apricot
HGC, a creamy toasted new neutral 
WKF, a cool mossy green 

Staying Power 

My right hand on Wednesday night, this was applied Saturday afternoon.
My left hand Wednesday night, this was applied Saturday afternoon.

As I mentioned in an earlier video review, these colors have amazing staying power! I did experience chipping on my right hand but this honestly always happens, I guess because I use my right hand a lot more. But after 3-4 days, this polish was still presentable. I’m Indian and often eat hardcore curry and these still held up! I also did not ‘cap’ my nails. I think they may have helped but I have yet to master doing this!

For me, this is a feat since even my Essie and Opi shades will die out after a few days. The last power was about the same with this new topcoat and it was with the previous formula they had. I do think the initial beautiful sheen of the topcoat died out a bit over time. 

I was a huge fan of this set because of its unique colors and how long they last compared to my other nail polish shades. With that said, I don’t know if I personally loved how these colors actually looked on me, but I did like the look of applying multiple colors on my hand. 

I hope this review was helpful and will be a good resource for you as you explore what’s worth spending your hard-earned coin on! 

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Love always, 
