An Honest Review of the Everlane Day Market Tote

I remember when I first saw the Everlane Day Market tote, it was worn by Meghan Markle and right away I wanted this piece in my collection. It was sleek, large and relatively affordable. At the time, I had also wanted to support Everlane because of their ethical claims, there is now news to attest their supposed ‘ethical’ values. But had I know what I know now, I think I would have enjoyed my purchase so much more and might have even purchased a different ‘day’ tote.

Here are the pros and the cons. If you are someone who prefers video reviews, please see my Everlane tote review on my YouTube channel.


If used ‘correctly’ this tote is stunning. The leather is so sleek and it has a beautiful sheen. I love grabbing this tote if I’m heading out to meet friends for dinner or coffee in the city. I can toss a book, my keys and wallet in here and I always feel super put together. Everlane also offers a great price point for a beautiful quality item. This why despite the fact that they are said to ‘green wash’, I decided to still on occasion purchase from Everlane. I have yet to find a company with styles I like with the quality and price point I want. (If anyone has recommendations, let me know!)


This was the photo I sent to Everlane after I used the tote just once. I wasn’t aware that this tote was not actually meant to be used as a work tote. The leather is extremely sensitive and easily strains. You can not stuff all your books for the day in here and hope it will be alright. For reference, I’m a NYC teacher and tried to carry my books for the day and the leather strained like this after just one use. I actually emailed Everlane to complain and initially they just sent me a recommendation for leather treatment but after emailing again, they had me sent back this tote and I received a new one in return.

Since owning the new one, I use it lightly and do really love the look of it. But it sometimes does feel so wasteful that a tote this large can’t actually hold many items. Because of the nature of this leather, it strains easily and even now with minimal use, it gets a lot of marks and scratches. I actually visited Cuyana with my tote and when I commented on how mine gets a lot of wear and tear a Cuyana associate explained to me that this was because the type of leather that is used on this surface is very soft and ideal for small items to reduce the wear and tear. This is why the Cuyana tote uses a textured leather.

Overall, I still find the look of this tote stunning and hope that this review provides some clarity for anyone looking to add this item to their collection!

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